Once you create a completely new web site, it’s really important to find the best style for it. With the EtinoXa Tech Website Control Panel it can be done really fast. We’ve got for you a selection of over 800 distinct site designs obtainable for completely free. They come with every one of our cloud hosting accounts and are totally customizable.

The majority of EtinoXa Tech’s designs are fashioned exclusively for EtinoXa Tech’s solutions and are not offered elsewhere outside the Control Panel. Which means that the possibilities to discover others using the same template as you can be decreased.

800+ Cost Free Design Themes

100% customizable. Auto Setting up

Inside our Control Panel you’ll find a range of 800+ cost free design themes. They all are developed for any person who wishes to swiftly set up a brand new website with a custom theme, without the need to waste a long time surfing tons of theme galleries on the web.

The themes are matched to the most frequent kinds of sites – blogs, portfolio pages, community forums, websites of non–profit associations, e–stores, company sites, etc.

Free Website Themes

Cost Free Web application Design Themes

Grab cost free design themes for your next app

Using the tools that you have at your disposal inside the EtinoXa Tech Control Panel, it’s easy to start a brand–new Joomla web site or even a WordPress blog from scratch. Also you can select an appealing layout for your web site out of a huge selection of custom themes.

You can acquire a fresh customized theme when using the subsequent web apps: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery). The templates are work with all versions of the web applications and can be obtained free of charge at any moment.

Free App Themes

Cost Free Site Builder Design Themes

100+ totally customizable cost free design themes

In the EtinoXa Tech Control Panel, you will get entry to EtinoXa Tech’s Cost Free Website Building Instrument tool, which features more than 100 one–of–a–kind website templates. Every single theme is equipped with a couple of distinct designs and several color opportunities. You’re at liberty to change all of these web themes the way you want.

You do not have to have any kind of example of HTML as well as CSS to change the styles in the Website Installer. All the work is done using the featured manager, which is easy to work with.

Free Site Builder Themes