Any time you purchase a brand new Linux website hosting package, it's created on a server and the process usually takes a while, including the verification and processing of your transaction, which most companies make manually. When you buy a dedicated server, for instance, the configuration takes even longer as the machine needs to be built, set up and tested so as to make sure that it'll function effectively. That's why, numerous providers have a one-time cost in order to cover the time and efforts spent on your brand new account. The fee, which sometimes is high, is usually not shown on the front page, but you'll notice it on your checkout or payment page, which means that you won't be aware of it before you've already gone through the whole registration process and you can even overlook it if you don't pay attention.
Setup Fee in Website Hosting
If you get a website hosting plan from us, the final price that you will need to pay during the checkout will be exactly the same as the price you've already found on the main page or on every other page on our site. The processing of your payment and the account generation on our innovative cloud hosting system are nearly fully automatic, so we consider that charging you any kind of setup fees would be very unreasonable. Even if you obtain a couple of accounts at one time, you will not need to spend any money for the installation or for any other kind of hidden costs for that matter. It is our belief that being honest to each client from the beginning is way more important than getting a few extra dollars.