In case you’ve got a site, a problem might always appear and it does not necessarily have to be connected with the hosting service. For instance, something may go wrong when you bring a software application up to date or some crucial data could be modified or erased accidentally. Regardless of what the essence of the problem may be, you will need to get in touch with the customer service staff and request them to restore a backup or to help you fix the problem that you are facing. How quickly they’ll do this will predetermine the time that your sites will be down. For specific websites such as community websites or e-shops, an elongated inaccessibility often means losing customers and money. Because of this, it is extremely important to use the services of a web hosting company that offers not only a good help desk service, but also a fast one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Website Hosting
Our guaranteed max response time for any helpdesk ticket that you submit or any e-mail that you write is only one hour, even in case you contact us during weekends and official holidays. Irrespective of the essence of your question or issue, we’ll lend a hand instantly and will provide you with the necessary information to troubleshoot any problem with your websites. The actual reply time typically does not surpass fifteen to twenty minutes, which suggests that you can just forget about waiting around for hours to get a problem resolved or what’s even worse – waiting one whole day only to obtain an answer that more info is required while nothing is solved. We will assist you in a jiffy as we are aware of exactly how expensive time can be in the dynamic online sphere. The 1-hour response guarantee is valid for any billing or technical enquiry that you may have with regards to our Linux website hosting packages.