When a visitor opens your site, the Internet browser sends a request to the hosting server, which executes it and supplies the desired content as a response. A basic HTML website uses very little system resources for the reason that it is static, but database-driven platforms are more demanding and use a lot more processing time. Every page that is served generates two types of load - CPU load, which depends on the length of time the server spends executing a specific script; and MySQL load, which depends on the total number of database queries generated by the script while the end user browses the Internet site. Larger load will be created if loads of people surf a particular website concurrently or if many database calls are made all at once. 2 illustrations are a discussion board with a large number of users or an online store where a visitor enters a term within a search box and a large number of items are searched. Having comprehensive statistics about the load which your website generates will allow you to improve the content or see if it's the perfect time to switch to a more powerful sort of website hosting service, if the Internet site is simply getting quite popular.
MySQL & Load Stats in Website Hosting
If you host your Internet sites within a website hosting account with our company, you'll have access to detailed CPU and MySQL statistics that will enable you to keep tabs on their performance. You can easily see the statistics with a few clicks in your Hepsia CP. The CPU Load section will show you the total time period the server spent on your scripts and the amount of memory was required, along with the time it took for the scripts to be executed. The everyday view is the default one, but you may also see the numbers from the preceding months. The MySQL Load section offer more info about the total amount of queries to each database that you have set up in the account. Once again, you can see monthly, daily and per hour statistics, that'll give you data which is different from the traffic or the number of visitors you get. Thus, you can determine if the sites require some optimization.