When a domain name expires, there is a period of a little over 2 months when it's inactive, but could still be renewed by its current user. During this time period, the domain cannot be taken by anybody else, but in case it is not renewed, it goes into the so-called Pending Deletion period that lasts five days. This is when ICANN-accredited registrar firms accept backorders for this type of domain names. In case a particular name is backordered, the registrar will try to register it for the customer as soon as it's deleted and offered to the public, which gives people the opportunity to get a short and easy to remember domain that may have been used by some other person until now. In case the domain is quite appealing, a number of companies can try to register it in the same time and since this happens on a first-come, first-serve basis, there's no guarantee that a particular person will have that domain name. Nevertheless, using a backorder service will give you a better chance to obtain a particular domain than if you attempt to register it yourself.
Domain Backorder in Website Hosting
All website hosting packages that we provide include a domain backorder service by default as our company is a partner of an ICANN-authorized domain registrar. You could order a domain right from your Hepsia Control Panel where you will discover a list of all the domains planned to be deleted in the following few days. Useful filters will help you to narrow this list, so rather than searching through thousands of names, you can search for a particular phrase, specify the extension and the length, or browse only domain names which will be erased on a particular date. The filters will save you a lot of time and placing a backorder will take you literally a single mouse click. In case we obtain the domain that you want to have, it will be available inside your Control Panel quickly. In case we aren't successful, the funds for it will be available in your account and you shall be able to use it for other domains - new registrations, renewals or backorders.