Using e-mail messages with your very own domain name is way more convenient and it'll provide you with more trustworthiness as a firm when you correspond with business partners. Such an e-mail address does look better in the event that some visitor on your web site contacts you via a reviews form and you want to reply. How simple it is to manage your email correspondence is as important as the quality of the service, considering that some web hosting Control Panels make it quite challenging and time-consuming to perform elementary duties for example providing anti-spam security or forwarding your e-mails. Because of this, you should employ an email service that will permit you to gain access to everything easily and that will make the management of your emails fast and easy.
Antivirus Protection Shared Hosting
Our in-house built Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, which is featured with each and every website hosting plan that we supply, was made to help make everything effortless even for individuals who have never had a website or an email address before. It comes with a sophisticated, yet very intuitive-to-use Email Manager tool where you'll be able to easy access any attribute you need with only a few clicks. With quick access buttons and right-click context menus you're able to do practically anything - create or delete a mailbox, forward all of your messages to an alternative e-mail address, benefit from SPF or anti-spam protection, set-up a catch-all mailbox, and much more. Webmail access and downloadable auto-configuration files for the most popular e-mail clients (Apple Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird) are also offered in the Email Manager section of Hepsia.