What is Moodle?

If you want a system which will help you flawlessly administer a web based study course, then you need to check out Moodle. Moodle was designed specially for educators, teachers and lecturers, who wish to publicize their expertise via the internet. Moodle is an open–source web application, available free of charge.

Despite the fact Moodle is actually a specific niche market web application, it still boasts a very lively and productive community. There are many 100% free web themes and plug–ins that boost existing core features as well as incorporate unique abilities to the Moodle app. You can also find lots of web sites and community forums, dedicated only to Moodle.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and is not connected with EtinoXa Tech.

Online School Linux Website Hosting Packages Services

By employing our Online School Linux website hosting packages solution, you will get your e–learning site set up online with merely a click. You just need to select Moodle in the app drop–down menu on the order form and we’ll prepare your online learning environment when we configure your account. It will give give you the chance to begin working on your e–learning program the very moment the sign–up procedure is finalized.

Each and every Online School Linux website hosting packages package is secured by a collection of service guarantees for the trouble–free functioning of your web based courses. Your web hosting account will be created free of charge and will feature a 99.9% uptime guarantee. In addition, in case you’re not absolutely satisfied our Online School Linux website hosting packages service, you can make use of the 30–day money–back guarantee.

A Point & Click Website Control Panel

To make the management of your Moodle educational web site less difficult, we have built our very own specialized Website Control Panel. It’s accessible in over 10 languages and unites web site administration and domain management in one location. It’s moreover designed to live completely inside the cloud and supplies swiftness and reliability superior to those of several other control panels.

EtinoXa Tech’s Control Panel is brimming with completely free applications and bonuses. With EtinoXa Tech’s Online School Linux website hosting packages plan, you can have Moodle installed automatically. By using our control panel, you’ll be able to install any one of over 40 well–known web apps like Joomla and Wordpress with no setup needed, through EtinoXa Tech’s App Installer. Additionally, you can employ our Web Accelerators to substantially increase the speed of your web sites. Our Web Statistics Manager will begin functioning automatically, without the need to include any tracking code to your websites.